Earn Certification Based on the New "Radical KM" Methodology
Next Class: Oct 15, 17, 22 and 24, 2024 (half days, 9am-12:30pm ET)
Scroll down for registration or contact us today for a quote.
Radical KM is a call to action for knowledge management to step outside the box and consider the needs of knowledge workers. What do knowledge workers need in order to be successful in the 21st century? What will help them deal with the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) of our organisations and economic systems?
In today’s digital age, work is not a production line,
it is knowledge centred. Knowledge work is context-
sensitive; it needs space and time to think and reflect,
ask questions, and try things out. It needs curiosity
and continuous learning, something that is missing in
our out-dated approach.
Integrating art, artistic attitudes, and a creative practice into our work/processes creates a different way of working. It enables the adoption of agile/flexible behaviours and culture change which in turn allows the digital transformation of our organisations, so that they are successful in our knowledge age future.
Who Should Attend
- All Knowledge Managers or anyone interested in KM
- Anyone interested in new and innovative ways to capture and share Knowledge
- Anyone interested in maturing KM within their organisations and who recognise the need to do things differently
Our artistic interventions are about the process, not the product; you do not need a background in art or painting - in fact, we encourage those new to join!
What to Expect
The course is experiential, fun, engaging, and about doing things differently, being curious, and open-minded.
Participants will experience a variety of creative activities that they can add to their meeting and workshops, as well as their every-day lives to bring in creative pauses to help re-focus and re-energise their organisations and themselves.
Participants will leave with a workbook that will support them in incorporating creativity in their work and personal lives.
Learning Outcomes
- Different forms creativity can take
- Why it’s important to tap into our creativity
- Why and how KM and creativity intersect and supports knowledge work
- Experience of how artistic attitudes and practices enhance our work and life
- Experience the enhancement of adaptability, coping with uncertainty and change, resilience, empathy, and decision making through creativity
- Learn how to make online and in-person meetings more engaging and creative and to help us be more mindful
- Learn how to incorporate creativity into your organization’s KM activities
Click here for Course Overview PDF...
New Students: $1995
Past Grads (CKM/CKS): $1595
Past grads may bypass the "KM Foundation" portion and start with the Creative KM class.
Group Rates: Email training@kminstitute.org with your group details and we will respond with discount information.
Program includes course materials, class recording, and access to new e-learning version (when available); online exam, Certificate, and "Knowledge Hub" access to new instructional videos on KM and related topics.
Instructor Profile: Stephanie Barnes
Stephanie took her early career quite seriously, focusing initially on accounting and then information technology, and knowledge management (she has a BBA in accounting and an MBA in information technology) but then she discovered painting and fell in love. She realized work could be fun and slowly started to bring art and creativity into her consulting practice, spreading the fun and the insights that came with it to those she worked with.
Developing and sustaining an art practice taught Stephanie lessons about challenging assumptions and the courage to try new things, not to mention improving her resilience. She now shares these lessons (and more) in her workshops helping people develop these qualities and organisations to be more creative and innovative.
Stephanie likes making a connection with people through sharing experiences and lessons learned wherever the lessons might have come from as well as spending time in nature, art galleries, museums, and at the symphony.
Please visit Stephanie’s profile on LinkedIn or her other digital homes via Link Tree.
Call (US): 703-327-7096
Or email: training@kminstitute.org