Knowledge Management Institute

January 2016

Learning from Dirt Bikes

Jan 28, 2016   |  By Rustin Diehl, JD, CKM

The ability to learn and repurpose knowledge from a specific circumstance is a key to ingredient to innovation.  There are a number of ways that KM practitioners can leverage knowledge and learning.  Some of the techniques most used by KM practitioners include: (1) knowledge capture, (2) knowledge leveraging, (3) knowledge creation, (4) Lessons learned and (5) Best practices.

Is KM a Science? (Part 2 of 2)

Jan 20, 2016   |  By Lesley Crane, PhD

Lesley Crane continues her discussion as to whether or not KM should be considered a science. . . Our survey results will be published next week.

Consequently, one can envisage that a scientific field is characterised by dominant theory, a body of appropriate research and knowledge, and a lively research agenda. From an academic perspective, the field of Knowledge Management possesses all of these characteristics.

Is KM a Science?

Jan 12, 2016   |  By Lesley Crane, PhD

It comes as no great surprise that a recent investigation of C-Suite respondents finds creativity and innovation, and creating a truly service culture to be top priorities. To this wish list we could easily add sustainability, managing change in a disruptive VUCA environment, and responding to the volatility of consumer demands. All of these issues share one thing in common – they position knowledge and knowledge workers front and centre.  Easy to say, not so easy to do.

Do you want to be one of the 8% who achieves their New Year’s Resolution?

Jan 06, 2016   |  By Jane Maliszewski, Founder - Vault Associates

It’s that time of year again to take stock of where we are, what we’ve done, and envision doing something different in the future. The popularity of setting New Year’s Resolutions speaks to our natural affinity for change.  According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, 45% of Americans set New Year’s resolutions, yet only 8% of those fully succeed. 

Whether you are in the ‘resolution setter’ category or not, would you like to really be successful at what you’d like to change?

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What's Coming Up

KM & User Engagement Certification
Oct 22-23, 9am-4pm ET, click here...

Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) for Europe
Oct 28-31, 9am-4pm CET, click here...

Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) for N. America
Oct 28-Nov 1, 9am-3pm ET, click here...

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